Gazzetta dello Sport

Treasure Hunt

The Champions League can change Inter

If the Nerazzurri eliminate Porto, they’ll bring in an unexpected €20m

Zhang could make a top signing and renew the contracts of the big stars

Benitez votes for Napoli: ‘Spalletti has everything to go all the way’

Tomorrow they are in Frankfurt

Di Magica and Juve go

Kean plus the Argentine and the comeback continues (second without the -15)

Spezia beaten with difficulty and seventh place

Sprint finish for Europe

Solbakken launches Mou

Immobile pushes Sarri

Roma and Lazio OK, Atalanta flop with Lecce

De Ketelaere

Milan rush to the rescue from Leao to Diaz

‘Brother, the goal will arrive’

Cremonese visit, Juric fires up Toro and relies on Sanabria

Corriere dello Sport

Juve are knocking

Third victory in a row: without the -15 Allegri would be second with Inter

Kean and Di Maria take down Spezia (0-2), Europe is 9 points away

Mou applauds Solbakken (1-0)

Double Ciro, Lazio climb back up (0-2)

Max snaps: ‘See? I can win by more than a nose’

Roma beat Verona: they are third with Jose turning on the fans

‘They don’t understand’

Sarri silences Salerno

Lecce surprise: 2-1 in Bergamo

Immobile’s return: the importance of the captain


Di Maria is a different class

Il Fideo comes on against Spezia and seals a hard-fought game after Kean’s goal: he is the only player Allegri has who really does Juve things today

‘And now let’s win in Nantes for our fans’

New Bianconeri DS: Massara of Milan leaps into pole position!

‘Forza Toro, I feel your ambition’

Beat Cremonese to reach the Derby in the Euro zone and above Juve

Juric resets the objectives: ‘I want the maximum that this fantastic group can give’

Tonight the fans await Ilic, but Vlasic and Adopo are at risk

Ricci returns early against the Bianconeri?

PSG, now it’s chaos: Campos kicks Galtier off the bench

Messi beats Lille, but…

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