Thohir ‘didn’t like sacking Mazzarri’

President Erick Thohir “really did not like” sacking Walter Mazzarri, but Roberto Mancini “already knew Inter.”

President Erick Thohir “really did not like” sacking Walter Mazzarri, but Roberto Mancini “already knew Inter.”

The patron had repeatedly backed Mazzarri, but pulled the plug on Friday and brought in Mancini, who already sat on the San Siro bench from 2004 to 2008.

“It was a difficult moment, because I really did not like making the decision to replace Coach Mazzarri,” Thohir told the Corriere dello Sport.

“We believed in him because he is a hard worker and a good Coach, but this time more than my sensations I had to look at the numbers. Those were not good, because unfortunately the table speaks clearly.

“I have nothing to reproach Mazzarri for, as I know he gave his all every day and I thank him for that. However, all together we decided it was the right moment to change, that we needed a breath of fresh air for the whole environment.”

Thohir does not disguise that directors Michael Bolingbroke, Marco Fassone, Piero Ausilio and even former Honorary President Massimo Moratti played a pivotal role.

“I believe in collective decisions. This is not just Thohir’s decision. No, it doesn’t work like that at Inter. I am the President, but I spoke to my associate Massimo Moratti and my collaborators. We had several phone conversations and reached this decision. It all happened over the last two days.

“Moratti helped a great deal, because he is someone who knows football well and already knew Mancini for a long time. Roberto is the best choice we could’ve made.

“He is one of the best Italian Coaches, in fact I’d say the best. He won and achieved great things everywhere. His career speaks for him.

“Plus there is another reason: he knows what Inter means, has been part of our family and cares about these colours. We spoke on the phone. He is very motivated and his quality is not up for debate. I’ll meet him in person next week.

“Mancini knows Inter. We could not afford a Coach who was starting from scratch, who needed a year to get the results we wanted. I asked him to confirm our status in Europe for next season and to secure Champions League qualification as soon as possible.

“We are Inter and we have to stay in Europe. We changed Coach because the next three games will be very important. With his experience, Mancini can help us.”

Mancio’s first three matches at the helm in Serie A will be against local rivals Milan, second-placed Roma and unpredictable Udinese.

Walter Zenga said he had been in the running, but Thohir insisted Mancini was the only man who really fit the bill.

“We wanted a high profile Coach. Changing Mazzarri, we sought a Coach who could give us guarantees, the best available. Mancini fit the bill.

“I think we have an excellent squad, an excellent Coach and an excellent group of directors. We can do well and bring Inter to the top again. We want to work to become number one. If our Coach asks us to, then we will try to reinforce the squad while keeping an eye on the balance sheet. He knows what the club’s situation is.”

It was widely reported that Thohir finally axed Mazzarri due to the deep unpopularity with Inter fans and his message to the supporters backed that theory.

“San Siro must get back to being Inter’s home. Those who come to the stadium, and I hope they will be many, must push the team forward.

“Enough jeers and protests: the Inter family needs to be united, have one objective, which is to hold these colours high. We need the warmth of our people and cannot play as if we’re always the away team, as we’ve been doing recently.

“From now on, all Interisti must be on Inter’s side. I will be with them.”