Agent Dario Canovi, one of the representatives of Bologna coach Thiago Motta, suggested that ‘nobody wants to go’ to Napoli to become the new long-term head coach.

The Partenopei have been in a state of chaos since their Scudetto victory last season. Following the success, both coach Luciano Spalletti and sporting director Cristiano Giuntoli departed, and De Laurentiis’ replacement Rudi Garcia failed to convince in the dugout.

Walter Mazzarri was then brought in to replace Garcia, but he too couldn’t manage to find a rhythm at Napoli, prompting De Laurentiis to dismiss him and bring in Slovakia coach Francesco Calzona on a short-term deal. Thiago Motta has now been floated as a possible long-term option in the summer.

Speaking to TMW, agent Canovi discussed Napoli’s troubled season following their Scudetto success and hinted that Thiago Motta wouldn’t take over at the club.

“It couldn’t have been otherwise. Nobody really asked themselves why a coach like Spalletti resigned after winning a title. If they had asked themselves this question, they would’ve understood that it’s an environment where it’s difficult to train.

“It’ll be difficult to find a top-level coach. Nobody wants to go there. I don’t think someone like Conte is willing to go to Naples. The president’s interference is not easily bearable.”

The agent also didn’t believe Calzona would find much success in the Partenopei dugout.

“I don’t know him personally and for this reason I cannot judge him. I had heard his name as assistant, which is why I believe that barring miracles he is an interim solution. He’s not a coach with the experience necessary to run a team like Napoli.”

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