Milan have a price in mind for Theo Hernandez as they hit a roadblock in contract renewal talks with the Bayern Munich target.

The 26-year-old Frenchman has continued to be one of the best players in the Rossoneri squad, proving himself to be one of the strongest left backs in world football. With just over two years left on his contract, the club find themselves in a difficult spot.

Milan do not want to start the new season without resolving the Theo Hernandez situation but have struggled to find common ground with his entourage, who have a lofty salary in mind for a new long-term deal.

Theo Hernandez price

Page six of today’s Corriere dello Sport details how Theo Hernandez wants his current salary to be doubled in a new contract with Milan, keen to see his wages rise from €4m net to €8m net per season plus add-ons, a hefty sum for the club.

The Rossoneri are not willing to match that request, so would be willing to let him leave this summer for around €80m. Bayern Munich are seriously interested as they look to find a possible replacement for Alphonso Davies.

4 thought on “Theo Hernandez: Milan set price on Bayern Munich target as renewal talks stall”
  1. Theo deserves it,
    Am still surprised how Rafael leao deserve his current wages of €7m .this is a daytime robbery.

    Keep theo and release Rafael leao.

  2. It’s madness , this management has no idea what team building means in football

    Every season selling best players ……Maldini would have negotiated better with the managers , these Americans think it is business , they will end up not winning anything and selling , hope they don’t take Milan down with them

  3. I think its a good n wise idea, u need money to run a huge club like Milan, Mr. Silvio Barluskoni spend a lot of money to win big trophies but felt in serious financial crisis n sold the club, but new management n owner are very experience on business, they are turning the club into profitable one & also good result, 3 times in Cl spot in a row, 1 scudetto, CL semi, Europa quarter, 2nd in serie A this season, thus Milan will win big trophies in next few yrs I think

  4. 8mil? Theo, did you win the CL or for that matter any trophy? No, you didn’t. As far as I’m concerned, the price for footballers has become ridiculously high and not sustainable. Kick his money-grubbing rear out of the team. But 1st, suck the money dry from any team willing to pay his ludicrous wages.

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