Tavecchio: ‘Ventura a maestro’

FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio reveals he was “always” considering “maestro” Giampiero Ventura for Italy CT.

The former Torino Coach has replaced Antonio Conte on the Azzurri bench, and his official presentation was held today.

“Thank you for being here, we wanted to restart this process from Coverciano,” Tavecchio began the Press conference by saying.

FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio reveals he was “always” considering “maestro” Giampiero Ventura for Italy CT.

The former Torino Coach has replaced Antonio Conte on the Azzurri bench, and his official presentation was held today.

“Thank you for being here, we wanted to restart this process from Coverciano,” Tavecchio began the Press conference by saying.

“We think it’s the nerve centre of the Italian sporting system. It has a cultural and sporting background that we want to recover and bring to the attention of the country.

“We’re on a new path, the national team had a good Euros where we reclaimed a particular image, an ethical and moral heritage – one nation, in some respects.

“We couldn’t have done the slightest thing better, gratitude goes to Antonio Conte for what he did for us, creating a new attitude of sacrifice, as a team not as individuals.

“Ventura is a maestro of football. I knew Conte would leave, it was on the cards. That’s the economy, and I mean that in every respect.

“Ventura was always in my head. When you Coach a national team like Italy, you have reached the top. He has carte blanche, no interference and the people he needs.”