FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio describes new Italy CT Giampiero Ventura as “a maestro of football”.

It was confirmed earlier today that the former Torino Coach will replace Antonio Conte on the Azzurri bench when the current incumbent leaves to join Chelsea after Euro 2016.

“I stuck with my first idea which I had a month ago, and I can announce that Giampiero Ventura will be the CT of the national team after the experience at the European Championships,” Tavecchio told reporters.

FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio describes new Italy CT Giampiero Ventura as “a maestro of football”.

It was confirmed earlier today that the former Torino Coach will replace Antonio Conte on the Azzurri bench when the current incumbent leaves to join Chelsea after Euro 2016.

“I stuck with my first idea which I had a month ago, and I can announce that Giampiero Ventura will be the CT of the national team after the experience at the European Championships,” Tavecchio told reporters.

“He’ll have a two year contract until the World Cup in Russia [in 2018]. Among the criteria which led me to Ventura, one is that he’s a maestro of football.

“He’s also taught a lot of Coaches his innovative approaches, he’s brought through many players who went on to the national team, he has huge experience working with the youth sector and I think he has a healthy sense of belonging.”

Tavecchio also confirmed that Ventura's official presentation will be on July 18.


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