Tavecchio: ‘If Italy don’t qualify…’

FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio affirms his faith in Giampiero Ventura “but if we don’t qualify it would be an apocalypse”.

The Azzurri were thrashed 3-0 by Spain on Saturday night, meaning they will almost certainly have to go through the play-offs to reach next summer’s World Cup.

“Our work is important, before Madrid everyone was happy,” Tavecchio pointed out, speaking to assembled reporters.

FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio affirms his faith in Giampiero Ventura “but if we don’t qualify it would be an apocalypse”.

The Azzurri were thrashed 3-0 by Spain on Saturday night, meaning they will almost certainly have to go through the play-offs to reach next summer’s World Cup.

“Our work is important, before Madrid everyone was happy,” Tavecchio pointed out, speaking to assembled reporters.

“I confirm the faith in Ventura. The idea of not qualifying for the World Cup would be an apocalypse, but we’ll get there.

“If that’s the case we’ll take every action to protect the interests of the Federation.

“Ventura’s project started from a long way out and it’s an important one. Before Spain everyone was happy with the youngsters, now this has happened they’re in difficulty.

“We’ll evaluate things at the appropriate time, and when that comes it’ll be done with [Renzo] Ulivieri and Ventura, but I can’t say anything now.”