Tavecchio for Lega President

Former FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio could become the new head of the Lega Serie A, reports suggest.

The head of the Federation stepped down after Italy failed to qualify for the World Cup, but felt he had been forced into the decision.

CONI President Giovanni Malago is today meeting the three candidates to replace him, Damiano Tommasi, Gabriele Gravina and Carlo Sibilia in Rome, but Tavecchio could be set for another high profile role in calcio.

Former FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio could become the new head of the Lega Serie A, reports suggest.

The head of the Federation stepped down after Italy failed to qualify for the World Cup, but felt he had been forced into the decision.

CONI President Giovanni Malago is today meeting the three candidates to replace him, Damiano Tommasi, Gabriele Gravina and Carlo Sibilia in Rome, but Tavecchio could be set for another high profile role in calcio.

According to the Corriere dello Sport, Torino President Urbano Cairo, Lazio’s Claudio Lotito and Napoli patron Aurelio De Laurentiis are backing him to be President of the Lega Serie A.

Maurizio Berretta resigned in April last year, but the 20 clubs have failed to agree on a new person to serve as the head of the League.

While previously 15 clubs had to back a new candidate, the delay saw the Lega placed into a commissionership and now a simple majority of 11 will serve.

It’s not yet clear if Tavecchio will have the support of enough clubs to be elected, with Juventus and Roma having been opposed to him in the past.

The former amateur league President made a racist gaffe in his 2014 election campaign when he talked about "any old Opti Pobà" who can come to Italy and play in Serie A where "before he was eating bananas".

The following year, Tavecchio stated that Jews should be "kept under control" and declared "I have nothing against homosexuals but keep them away from me, I am perfectly normal".