Taibi: ‘If a goalkeeper scores…’

Massimo Taibi admits Alberto Brignoli’s goal against Milan is symptomatic of their season – “if you’re conceding goals to a goalkeeper…”

The Rossoneri conceded a last-gasp equaliser to Benevento last weekend, and it was scored by the Stregoni goalkeeper after he came up for a free-kick.

Taibi was the last ‘keeper to score in Serie A, and he discussed last weekend’s goal with Sky.

Massimo Taibi admits Alberto Brignoli’s goal against Milan is symptomatic of their season – “if you’re conceding goals to a goalkeeper…”

The Rossoneri conceded a last-gasp equaliser to Benevento last weekend, and it was scored by the Stregoni goalkeeper after he came up for a free-kick.

Taibi was the last ‘keeper to score in Serie A, and he discussed last weekend’s goal with Sky.

“When I did it there was really no need to go into the opposition box,” Taibi recalled.

“It was only the 87th minute and I exposed myself to the risk of conceding a goal on the counter, but I felt it could be the right choice and it went well.

“For Milan it’s definitely a mockery, the first thing you think is that if you’re conceding goals to a goalkeeper it’s a very bad season, it’s not easy to accept.”

Taibi had a brief spell with Manchester United, who face their city rivals Manchester City on Sunday.

“Historically United have always been favourites when they’ve come up against City, but in recent years the situation has changed thanks to the latter’s financial growth.

“Maybe City have even overtaken them. I see them as favourites this time.

“My time in England? I couldn’t play in the Champions League, so [manager Sir Alex] Ferguson gave me my debut in the Premier League.

“After my mistake against Southampton he chose to introduce me to the English rhythms slowly, starting from the bench, but in January I decided to go back to Italy.

“If I could go back I’d experience the Premier League with more calm and less haste.”