Former referee Paolo Tagliavento looked back on some of his career errors. “My biggest regret is not having access to VAR.”

He is now the club manager of Serie C side Ternana and spoke to Radio Marte about some of the most controversial incidents.

“Anyone who chooses to be a referee knows full well that mistakes are inevitable and he can handle criticism.

Former referee Paolo Tagliavento looked back on some of his career errors. “My biggest regret is not having access to VAR.”

He is now the club manager of Serie C side Ternana and spoke to Radio Marte about some of the most controversial incidents.

“Anyone who chooses to be a referee knows full well that mistakes are inevitable and he can handle criticism.

“Some of the stories were ridiculous, like the claim I said ‘We’ll win in stoppages’ when Juventus equalised against Inter. Social media has exasperated every situation, because it’s easy for people to be keyboard warriors and say things they’d never say to your face.

“My biggest regret is not having access to VAR until the very end of my career. My three or four worst mistakes would’ve been resolved easily with that technology.

“Objectively, missing the fact Sulley Muntari’s shot for Milan had crossed the Juventus line was one of the biggest, but even a year later with additional referees it would’ve been caught, let alone goal-line technology or VAR.

“I am still happy to have been a referee in that generation. We had no technology for 30 years, but in the last five years it has taken over the football world. Referees are now really happy, because the chance of an error has been limited to the minimum.

“Over the years, people accused me of being a secret supporter of more or less every club, but in truth a referee on the field only supports himself. I’ve always had a soft spot for my hometown club of Ternana, though.”

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