Suso: ‘Milan can count on me’

Suso insists “Milan can count on me” and praises Coach Vincenzo Montella’s “Spanish” style.

The midfielder joined the Rossoneri in January 2015 from Liverpool, but played just 55 Serie A minutes last season before being loaned to Genoa.

“I feel like this year will be different, because I’ve improved,” Suso told Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I’m working hard, even harder, because I understand this could be the defining moment of my career.

Suso insists “Milan can count on me” and praises Coach Vincenzo Montella’s “Spanish” style.

The midfielder joined the Rossoneri in January 2015 from Liverpool, but played just 55 Serie A minutes last season before being loaned to Genoa.

“I feel like this year will be different, because I’ve improved,” Suso told Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I’m working hard, even harder, because I understand this could be the defining moment of my career.

“When I arrived in 2015 I wasn’t in great shape physically and I had to acclimatise so [Filippo] Inzaghi kept me out a little bit.

“What I don’t understand is why it happened in the first half of last season. I talked to the club and they said there were no pre-conclusions about me, but I was continually on the bench.

“I never asked [Sinisa] Mihajlovic for anything, he never gave me an explanation. I always trained well, but I didn’t play. I’m not someone who causes trouble if he doesn’t play though, I knew my time would come.

“I went to Genoa to show everyone, myself included, that I was fit to wear the Milan shirt. I have the qualities to do it.

“Montella’s game suits me? It’s true, he likes to play with the ball and keep possession, and for a club like Milan that’s an important philosophy.

“If we keep the ball at our feet it becomes difficult for our opponents. I like him, because he’s very Spanish in that.

“I just need trust and consistency, that’s the key. All I ask is to play as much as possible, and with this Coach I feel my time is coming.

“Milan can count on me, because I’ve matured enough to be able to say that and I’ve always taken on my responsibilities.

“I’ve always said I want this club, and I want to do something important: no more loans.”