Suning offer Ventura €20m?

Suning Group has reportedly offered Italy CT Giampiero Ventura a two-year, €20m contract to coach Inter’s sister club, Jiangsu Suning.

According to Corriere dello Sport, the eye-watering deal is after tax, includes performance-related bonuses and could be extended for a third year.

The newspaper explains Suning technical coordinator Walter Sabatini has turned to Ventura after being knocked back by Francesco Guidolin and Claudio Ranieri.

Suning Group has reportedly offered Italy CT Giampiero Ventura a two-year, €20m contract to coach Inter’s sister club, Jiangsu Suning.

According to Corriere dello Sport, the eye-watering deal is after tax, includes performance-related bonuses and could be extended for a third year.

The newspaper explains Suning technical coordinator Walter Sabatini has turned to Ventura after being knocked back by Francesco Guidolin and Claudio Ranieri.

Furthermore, relations between the Ventura and FIGC “are certainly not happy”, with the 68-year-old reportedly unhappy at Renzo Ulivieri becoming a federal delegate within the national-team set-up and there being a “cold” rapport with Under-21 boss Luigi Di Biagio.