Sturaro to Watford collapses

Stefano Sturaro’s move to Watford has reportedly collapsed, as the English club couldn’t agree with Juventus on the structure of the loan.

The midfielder made just seven Serie A starts last season, and with the arrival of Emre Can his playing time looks set to be even more limited for the coming campaign.

Juve have been trying to move the Italian international on all summer, and it was reported this morning that a deal had been struck with Watford.

Stefano Sturaro’s move to Watford has reportedly collapsed, as the English club couldn’t agree with Juventus on the structure of the loan.

The midfielder made just seven Serie A starts last season, and with the arrival of Emre Can his playing time looks set to be even more limited for the coming campaign.

Juve have been trying to move the Italian international on all summer, and it was reported this morning that a deal had been struck with Watford.

However, with Sturaro ready to fly out to England this afternoon, Premium Sport reports that the deal has collapsed.

The Hornets were only willing to offer a straight loan deal, while the Bianconeri wanted at least an option to buy for €18m.

With the Premier League transfer deadline to close at 17.00 UK time, there isn’t time to resurrect the deal.

Sturaro will therefore have to find another club, with Fiorentina, Genoa and Sporting CP all interested.