Stankovic: ‘If a Sampdoria fan has to suffer, leave them alone’

Dejan Stankovic opened up about the hardships at Sampdoria, how it felt to see Pietro Pellegri taunt their fans with his celebration and what the team means to him personally.

The 44-year-old Serbian coach reportedly offered to resign after the Blucerchiati’s painful 5-0 loss to Fiorentina on the weekend, but after a meeting with the team’s management he decided to stay in his post until the end of the season.

Unfortunately for Sampdoria, their clash with Torino went no better and they fell in a miserable 2-0 defeat, all but condemning them to relegation now.

Speaking in a press conference after the match, Stankovic first discussed Pellegri’s celebration and the apology he received from Torino coach Ivan Juric.

“As a person I go beyond these things. This is not gossip, there are pictures. If one goes deep and zooms in, one sees what happened.

“We accept apologies because one can make mistakes and learn. It was not the time and the place to do such things because he must leave us in our misery. Let’s put a full stop and move on.”

He touched on how close he and the team are to the Sampdoria fans.

“You all saw. We were talking. They supported us from the first moment. You know the situation better than I do. You know the details. You know what is there better than I do.

“I was moved because it was a way of knitting a signal peacefully. I don’t think we did anything wrong. I don’t want to judge, and I don’t want anyone to judge. We were one block.

“The staff were there too. Because from the inside, but also the fans and you, know the situation we are in. It’s difficult and you have to go on and finish the job.”

The Serbian coach was asked if he really considered resigning after the loss to Fiorentina.

“Everyone convinced me because I don’t want the boys to suffer what they suffered in the second half in Florence. I don’t have a 30-year career and I can handle certain moments that even some more experienced than me can’t handle.

“I had a thought but then it passed. I was with the boys on this day, which was special. But no big deal.

“In the press conference after Fiorentina you didn’t hear? Did I say anything about resigning? You talk to the club. I’m with the boys until the end, it’s the only place I want to be.”

He reflected on the difficulties the Blucerchiati faced in the first half against Torino.

“Lots of difficulties. In the first half we were a bit soft, not on the turnover. In the second half we were good.

“We came a couple of times with a bit of calm, but I really liked the second half in terms of attention and turnovers.

“I don’t want to turn from football but believe me that sometimes it is difficult to talk about it.”

Finally, Stankovic opened up about what Sampdoria means to him personally.

“This is an experience you can’t find anywhere else. How a Sampdoria fans loves this team and what the colours represent to a Sampdoria fan. In these eight months I have seen the particular attachment a Dorian has.

“If they have to suffer, leave them alone because they love the shirt and the club. We must not add to their suffering, like what happened at the end. Give them peace of mind and they will certainly be an important extra for me.”