News agency ANSA claim the Government is considering a suspension of all sporting events in Italy for a month due to the Coronavirus outbreak, as another 27 people died over the last 24 hours.

This would not just involve the areas most hit by the disease, but every region in the country.

According to ANSA, this is the proposal put forward by the scientific community to the Government on how to stem the spread of the virus.

News agency ANSA claim the Government is considering a suspension of all sporting events in Italy for a month due to the Coronavirus outbreak, as another 27 people died over the last 24 hours.

This would not just involve the areas most hit by the disease, but every region in the country.

According to ANSA, this is the proposal put forward by the scientific community to the Government on how to stem the spread of the virus.

“Avoid for 30 days any events, including sporting, that involve crowds of people who do not respect the safety distance from each other of at least one metre.

“This is one of the proposals from the scientific commission wanted by Premier Giuseppe Conte, which could be integrated into the March 1 decree and be adopted throughout the whole country.”

It comes after the latest update from the Government on the Coronavirus, which has 2,263 positive cases, an increase of 428 compared to just yesterday.

The deaths have also shot up to 79, an increase of 27 from Monday.

There are also 160 who have recovered from the illness, 11 more than at this time yesterday.

This would inevitably lead to either a complete suspension of the Serie A season, or to play every game behind closed doors for a month.

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