Inter Coach Luciano Spalletti declares “those who leave will be the ones we say, not those who ask to leave”.

The January transfer window is approaching, and there has been talk of the Nerazzurri making some moves, but the tactician won’t be caving to demands from his players.

“If someone says they want to leave in January, there’s a mental deadline and you can’t give what’s expected of you,” Spalletti warned.

Inter Coach Luciano Spalletti declares “those who leave will be the ones we say, not those who ask to leave”.

The January transfer window is approaching, and there has been talk of the Nerazzurri making some moves, but the tactician won’t be caving to demands from his players.

“If someone says they want to leave in January, there’s a mental deadline and you can’t give what’s expected of you,” Spalletti warned.

“From there your level drops. Anyone who shows me that they’re not connected to the work they have to do, has to know they’re not part of my plans.

“That’s not the right way to be in a group that wants to do its job well, and whoever does that is not an Interista to the end.

“If I have something to say to someone then I’ll do it, and I haven’t had to so far.

“Could Joao Cancelo return to Valencia? In our opinion he has superior knowledge of the defensive phase, but he’s shown attacking quality too and he’s positioning himself in a way the others will understand.

“He’ll improve in how he interprets the game, he has great quality and can play further forward, but starting from deep is an important skill to have.

“People can say what they want about January, but as long as [sporting director Piero] Ausilio doesn’t tell him that we’ll go elsewhere he’ll do what we decide in January, like the others.

“A player will leave if we decide he leaves, otherwise he’ll stay and get his head down for two games, because if he thinks about the deadline he’s wasting his own time.

“In January it’s right that those who leave will be the ones we say, not those who want to leave.

“In that same regard, it seems to us that we’re the ones who manage them, not agents or other clubs. Let us accept what we consider to be fair.

“As for Joao Mario, he’s a simple lad to understand, he has a wonderful attitude in attending training and in the dressing room. When I’ve talked to him he didn’t tell me anything strange.

“There can be a lot of rumours about a player, they can be true or false but he’s a good lad from a professional point of view.

“I’m sorry that there were a couple of balls he could have scored from and he didn’t take those chances, if you think about leaving you lose a bit of attention in those situations.

“It’s inevitable in that case you lose your motivation for results, application makes the difference.

“So he’s not happy now, but he’s trained well and all I care about is that he’s professional every day and he’s doing that.

“If I saw a blatant bad attitude it’s clear we’d address that problem straight away, because I’d be the first to highlight it.”


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