Spalletti: ‘Totti incident forgotten’

Luciano Spalletti says Roma “no longer talk about what happened” with Francesco Totti.

It was reported at the weekend that the pair had a spectacular row after the draw with Atalanta, and though both men denied it, the Coach admitted he had been angry.

“Distractions can happen in the dressing room, but this is not one of them,” Spalletti told reporters in his Press conference ahead of the Torino game.

Luciano Spalletti says Roma “no longer talk about what happened” with Francesco Totti.

It was reported at the weekend that the pair had a spectacular row after the draw with Atalanta, and though both men denied it, the Coach admitted he had been angry.

“Distractions can happen in the dressing room, but this is not one of them,” Spalletti told reporters in his Press conference ahead of the Torino game.

“From our point of view everything is all right, we’re working for Torino, we no longer talk about what happened.

“Yesterday we focused on what came out and it’s clear I need to adjust the rules and I have to use moderation in the strong messages I give to the team. But it’s all fine.”

The Giallorossi have drawn their last two games, and Spalletti was asked whether he believes his players have dropped their levels of concentration.

“Sometimes in moments where things aren’t going well, the team has to think about doing continuous research, managing the game and not losing quality based on the choices I make.

“If you can’t get goals, if the other team closes up, then it becomes a bit more of a difficult game and we lose something there. I’m talking about the Bologna match.

“Atalanta had a different approach, putting out a bit more of a physical team. They’re strong on set pieces, they know how to exploit their physicality.

“They also transition well and are quick on the break, so we had to be more careful. We made some good chances, but we couldn’t take advantage.

“The team did good things against Bologna and in Bergamo though.

“I expected more experience after we went 2-0 up [against Atalanta], I had chosen a more experienced team, but the facts didn’t prove me right.

“There are good and bad moments, we did pull it back to 3-3 and we had the ball in the net for 4-3.

“The difficulties we’ve had are in terms of balance, if we don’t do better we’ll have more difficulties.

“Torino are very compact and they know how to move the ball, as well as playing it forward quickly. Their strikers know their movements off by heart.

“[Coach Giampiero] Ventura is a master of football, in addition to being an exceptional person. He knows how to impress his style, his way of working, on his team.

“The fact he’s at Torino shows you that he’s convinced everyone with his work on the pitch, and we’ll have to be attentive to the things I said.

“If we do that we can win it, but we’ll have to be good.”