Spalletti: Marotta our No 10, Icardi…

Luciano Spalletti claims Inter have finally found their ‘No 10 who plays between the lines’ in Beppe Marotta and that Mauro Icardi has ‘infinite potential’.

The Nerazzurri’s match against Frosinone kicks off on Sunday at 19:30 GMT – click here for a preview.

“This game isn’t easier than the others,” the Coach said at a Press conference.

Luciano Spalletti claims Inter have finally found their ‘No 10 who plays between the lines’ in Beppe Marotta and that Mauro Icardi has ‘infinite potential’.

The Nerazzurri’s match against Frosinone kicks off on Sunday at 19:30 GMT – click here for a preview.

“This game isn’t easier than the others,” the Coach said at a Press conference.

“This is the first game of a difficult run. We’re playing for an important part of our future.

“We must be wary of any team we face. Facing Inter gives stimuli to our opponents, so we find them even stronger in games like these.

“There’s no approach for one team or another. There’s only the Inter approach. Marotta? We’re waiting for signals from the club and President.

“Negotiations have moved a step forward, but the President is on his way back from China and he’ll tell us the things we can take from this deal.

“Like I’ve already said, he’s a No 10 who plays between the lines. He knows when to go, when to link up and how to build a team.

“He’s worked at every level in this League and his results speak for themselves. Nainggolan’s condition is never normal. It takes him 10 minutes to boost a game. Now he’s recovered.

“Keita is a top player and can show his audacity against anyone, but we must consider the run of games we have.

“It happens more at the big teams because there’s more exasperation for picking up results, 

and that creates additional toxins in the muscles.

“The big teams have a lot of important matches and it can happen that players get hurt. I don’t think we’ve that many.

“We’re experiencing the norm for what can happen and we can deal with any problems that can arise because we have a squad that allows us to manage these events.

“It’s clear that if injuries happen to all the players in a certain position, we must be prepared to make some changes, but even that can be easily done in a team like ours because we have some versatile players.

“For now we don’t feel the need to do something massive in January, although it’s clear we must be ready and awake for any buying or selling.

“Icardi is a goal specialist. He always manages to pull something out when it matters, thanks to the bravery, character and personality he has.

“For the number of goals he scores, he really has infinite potential. He could play tomorrow.”