Luciano Spalletti was spotted entering the Stadio Brianteo accompanied by a young supporter ahead of kick-off in the game between Monza and the Serie A champions Napoli on Sunday afternoon. 

The Partenopei coach explained that the young fan had been waiting patiently outside the stadium and was ‘particularly keen’ to give high fives to the players as they made their way into the ground. 

The child had asked Spalletti if he would be able to see the bench, and the coach, clearly in a generous mood, went one further and showed him around the team’s dressing room before taking him out onto the pitch. 

The pair then posed for an adorable photo in the dugout, with the young lad beaming as he looked out onto the pitch sat next to Spalletti on the bench. 

Speaking to DAZN before kick-off, Spalletti recounted his version of events. “There were hundreds of children out here to see the Napoli players arrive here and this one was particularly eager to give everyone a high five,” he said in front of the cameras. 

“He asked me to take him to the bench with me and I showed him around the locker room and I brought onto the pitch to see him up close, he said ‘Wow’, it was very nice. 

“The presence of many children like this is the sign that football will have a bright future.” 

Unfortunately for Napoli, the team fell behind to an 18th minute strike from Dany Mota, putting Monza 1-0 up against the newly-crowned champions.

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