Manchester Uniited have admitted that they need to replace Paul Scholes, but insist a deal for Wesley Sneijder is not on the horizon.

Media reports are linking United with a swoop for the Inter player, but Sir Alex Ferguson has cooled the speculation.

Manchester Uniited have admitted that they need to replace Paul Scholes, but insist a deal for Wesley Sneijder is not on the horizon.

Media reports are linking United with a swoop for the Inter player, but Sir Alex Ferguson has cooled the speculation.

"We've filled the gaps we've needed to fill," the Old Trafford boss told the club's website. "But the one we're having difficulty replacing is Scholes, which is always going to be hard.

"Scholes is a player of a lifetime. In his 20 years at the club it's hard to pick out a bad game. He was such a great consistent player for us, but hopefully we can replace him.

"I don't think we'll find a Scholes, but we'll find a different type of player because Manchester United do that.

"Time and time again we've faced this problem when we've lost great players. Eventually something turns up, either through our youth system or we identify someone.

"There's no real interest at this moment in time in Sneijder for a lot of reasons," he said when asked about the 27-year-old.

"I've not really been involved in it since we've come to America. So there's nothing I can tell you about it. I couldn't tell you what's happening."

United have so far signed Phil Jones, Ashley Young and David De Gea this summer.

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