Salvatore Sirigu is happy to have signed for Paris Saint-Germain, but blasts Maurizio Zamparini. “I didn't want to leave Palermo.”

Salvatore Sirigu is happy to have signed for Paris Saint-Germain, but blasts Maurizio Zamparini. “I didn't want to leave Palermo.”

The goalkeeper refused to sign a new contract this summer, so completed his transfer to the French side last night for around €3.5m.

“President Zamparini said I wanted to leave and had broken off all ties with Palermo. That's just not true,” Italian international told TMW.

“Palermo will remain in my heart, as it's a city I care for a lot. From when I started playing in their youth team, my dream was to play for the Rosanero.

“If I ask just one thing, it's that nobody plays around with my time at Palermo, because it is making me suffer a great deal.

“I am trying to throw myself heart and soul into this new adventure precisely to distract myself from the pain of leaving Palermo.”

Although not official yet, it's likely Sirigu will be reunited with Rosanero teammate Javier Pastore at PSG.

“I would be very happy to continue playing with him. He is a friend and it'd be pleasing if he came to Paris as well, although obviously it's not my decision.”

Paris Saint-Germain are reconstructing with new director, and former Inter Coach, Leonardo in charge of policy.

“It is a real honour for me to be here. This is a club that wants to grow and develop,” continued Sirigu when presented to the media.

“I became convinced to accept the transfer when I realised they strongly wanted me.”

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