Andriy Shevchenko ‘agrees’ with the decision to suspend Russian teams from competitions and has called on the Russian people to ‘stop the war’.

The former Milan star is currently out of work following his dismissal from Genoa back in January and he’s been incredibly outspoken about the Russian invasion of his native Ukraine over the last week, giving a number of interviews to various international media outlets.

Speaking to La Repubblica today, Shevchenko first highlighted that he agreed with the decision by FIFA and UEFA to suspend Russian clubs and the national team.

“I agree with the decision, there has been aggression. Until the war stops, Russian athletes must stay out.”

He then revealed that he did not have a message for Russian athletes, but the Russian people.

“Not to the athletes, to the Russian people. How can you witness this? React, take to the streets, go to the squares, and stop the war.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had major sporting effects, with the Russian national team now set to miss out on the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. Spartak Moscow were forced to pull out of the Europa League and the Champions League final has been moved from St Petersburg to Paris.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has announced that he is in the process of selling the club, likely in response to the possibility of sanctions in the upcoming weeks.

2 thought on “Shevchenko calls on Russian people to ‘take to the streets and stop the war’”
  1. So heart-warming to see that even a lacking in backbone football website is now partaking in the warmongering rhetoric.

    Many innocent people will regrettably die, but it is only heart-breaking because they’re not people at the end of NATO shot/dropped bullets and bombs. The current ukrainian comedian president has not only curtailed protests, but he has locked up opposition leaders, shut down critical tv stations and of course continues to arm ultra far right groups.

    BUT! You just go ahead and give yourselves relevance by censoring my comments.

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