Serie B side Palermo fall into further chaos, as Sport Capital Group announce they have sold the club back to Maurizio Zamparini’s associates.

A statement appeared on the club website and their NEX page confirming Sport Capital Group Investments had abandoned their attempts to purchase the side.

Zamparini sold the club to a British group, Sport Capital Investments Ltd, in December 2018, but it seems has not been paid and he is suing the group.

Serie B side Palermo fall into further chaos, as Sport Capital Group announce they have sold the club back to Maurizio Zamparini’s associates.

A statement appeared on the club website and their NEX page confirming Sport Capital Group Investments had abandoned their attempts to purchase the side.

Zamparini sold the club to a British group, Sport Capital Investments Ltd, in December 2018, but it seems has not been paid and he is suing the group.

Global Future Sports representative Clive Richardson was President of Palermo with Emanuele Facile as CEO, but the two had a massive falling out and are accusing each other of lying about the situation.

The club has now been passed over to Daniela De Angeli, who is the close associate of former Palermo President and owner Maurizio Zamparini.

However, Zamparini himself cannot take over the club again because he is currently under house arrest accused of self-money laundering.

Technical director Rino Foschi, who had been fired and then recalled by the English owners in January, takes over as President.

“Following events in recent weeks that have prevented Sport Capital Group Investments ability to successfully relaunch U.S. Città di Palermo SpA, the Company has decided to accept a solution formulated by the lawyers Bettini, Formigaro and Pericu to sell U.S. Città di Palermo and associated entities at the same nominal value at which it was acquired to dott.ssa De Angeli,” read today’s statement.

“The investment of capital into U.S, Città di Palermo to develop the football club was considered a very attractive opportunity even though the situation was complicated. The relaunch of U.S. Città di Palermo had always been the central objective of Sport Capital’s project and it is with great regret that it has not been possible to give the City and fans the satisfaction that they deserve.

“The Managing Director of U.S. Città di Palermo Emanuele Facile took over the management with all of the previous problems and preserved the sporting management giving continuity through the presence of technical director Rino Foschi. In recent weeks he has been very active looking for investors that could replace Sport Capital and carry forward with financial strength and standing the relaunch of the company. Many of the negotiations, held with parties with the correct characteristics, did not reach a conclusion given the complexity of the situation and small amount of time available.

“The Company therefore has decided to accept the proposal of dott.ssa De Angeli hoping that it can bring in a short time a new and definitive ownership aligned with the importance of the City and the traditions of the Club.

“Sport Capital Group will continue its activity evaluating other investments and hopes that the new direction for the relaunch of U.S. Città di Palermo will proceed with the best possible prospects.”

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