Serie A will clamp down on delays to avoid unfair advantage

The Lega Serie A have warned teams that they will be extremely strict on timing to ensure games are played simultaneously, so nobody can gain an advantage from knowing the other results.

Before the age of television rights breaking up the fixture list, the final three or four rounds were always played simultaneously to counter sides knowing what their opponents had already done.

Some of that remains today, with the matches involving clubs challenging for position played at the same time, including the Scudetto race, with Milan at Sassuolo and Inter hosting Sampdoria on Sunday at 17.00 UK time (16.00 GMT).

With this in mind, the Lega Serie A released a statement this evening warning they will be very strict on any teams who try to delay coming out for the start or the second half.

The limit of tolerance will be reduced to just five minutes.

However, there is still the potential for more extra time in one game than another in case of VAR on-field reviews or injuries.