With the energy crisis growing around the world, the Lega Serie A announced it will reduce the time that floodlights will be switched on in stadiums, but this is ‘only the first step.’

Prices are sky-rocketing and the situation is set to get even worse in the months to come, so Lega Serie A President Lorenzo Casini confirmed the new initiative.

From Week 5, which begins tomorrow, there will be a four-hour limit for the floodlights to be switched on in Serie A stadiums.

For earlier kick-offs, the lights will be switched on 60 minutes before the game rather than 90 minutes, the time necessary to calibrate the VAR instruments.

A study is in progress to improve energy efficiency in Italian stadiums, such as moving to LED lights and the introduction of solar panels.

“This is just the first step, we must set a virtuous example in a moment of energy crisis,” said Casini.

“Light is fundamental in stadiums, but we feel it is only right to reduce the illumination as much as possible, before and after the games, to significantly reduce the energy use.”

Some stadiums are already ahead of the curve, as for instance the Dacia Arena used by Udinese is one of the first carbon-neutral venues in Europe.

It has solar panels installed and the energy to run the stadium is exclusively from renewable sources or gas with carbon offsetting.

5 thought on “Serie A stadiums cut floodlight use to save energy”
  1. Ah FI censoring comments that does not conform and fit the fake narrative. No wonder Europe is in a mess with ignorance being the order of the day.

  2. @Kieran that one from Lord was a beauty. When he is not on his Allegri crusade and gets serious, the truth is very enlightening with regards to his view on net zero. Sadly FI does not like alternative opinions that does not fit the agenda.

  3. The 7/9 do not need to worry about lights on, light off. PhD Max is making sure the 7/9 turn off the lights after 12 seconds to implement hexagon ball. It is carbon neutral but the downside is no energy on the field is ever created.

  4. Pleeeeease, do I have to suffer the distorted eco propagandistic half truths here too? I want this to be a place were you I can escape woke BS and indoctrination attempts. Let it it be about FOOTBALL, okay?

  5. You know what would be better? If all the clubs can own their own stadiums and make their own changes as they see fit.

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