New FIGC President Gabriele Gravina has announced his intention to keep Serie A at 20 teams.

Gravina’s predecessor Carlo Tavecchio made downsizing Serie A to 18 sides one of his election pledges, but the 65-year-old suggested tackling grassroots was more of a pressing concern.

“That 97.2 percent voted for me? I have the responsibility to fulfil an task assigned to me with such a high percentage, as well as the awareness of having to give concrete answers, at a time when the chips are down,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

New FIGC President Gabriele Gravina has announced his intention to keep Serie A at 20 teams.

Gravina’s predecessor Carlo Tavecchio made downsizing Serie A to 18 sides one of his election pledges, but the 65-year-old suggested tackling grassroots was more of a pressing concern.

“That 97.2 percent voted for me? I have the responsibility to fulfil an task assigned to me with such a high percentage, as well as the awareness of having to give concrete answers, at a time when the chips are down,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

“The 97.2% represent an enthusiasm that we must cultivate. How did I take our failure to qualify for Russia 2018? Very badly, like all Italians did.

“From that historic moment of negativity, we must take a cue to map out a new path together, where we can relaunch ourselves.

“We’ve managed to concentrate our enthusiasm in these 50 days. Now we must reinforce it with results that must follow some ideas and projects.

“We must believe in a virtuous journey that leads to a celebration of our football. We must qualify for Euro 2020 for many reasons.

“I consider our group to be within reach. It’s perhaps complicated by the calendar, but we know very well that we’re Italy.

“Italy must regain their central role in the international football scene, and results would help us feel better about ourselves and the reform we must implement.

“As for hosting Euro 2028, it’ll complicated to convince some of the authorities and policymakers to join us on this path, but we must all embark on this path together.

“We can’t limit ourselves to denouncing a very serious infrastructural crisis and then not grasp an event where we could put all our energy together to revitalise our sporting facilities.

“I want 20 teams in Serie A, 20 in Serie B and 60 in Serie C with some semi-professional sides. That’s my proposal, assuming there are five promoted sides [from Serie C].”

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