Serie A, CTS: ‘Teams must remain in isolation’

The CTS intervenes in the resumption of Serie A, requiring that clubs keep their players and staff in isolation for 15-days in order to get the green light.

The Scientific and Technical Committee wants to help Serie A resume play in safe and secure conditions, explaining that the teams and members of staff will have to undergo a quarantine period when resuming group training.

“Teams and technical staff members will have to remain in isolation for 15 days from the resumption of group training,” the Committee explained.

The CTS intervenes in the resumption of Serie A, requiring that clubs keep their players and staff in isolation for 15-days in order to get the green light.

The Scientific and Technical Committee wants to help Serie A resume play in safe and secure conditions, explaining that the teams and members of staff will have to undergo a quarantine period when resuming group training.

“Teams and technical staff members will have to remain in isolation for 15 days from the resumption of group training,” the Committee explained.

These conditions have been set to prepare the clubs for an extended training retreat and keep the players on site to prevent contact from the outside and avoid external contaminations.

Serie A is still working on the protocol for the resumption and Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora revealed that entire squads will be quarantined if one player or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 once group training resumes.

On the contrary to the German Bundesliga, where only the individual testing positive for the virus is subjected to the following isolation period.

The need to keep the players and staff in the retreat could be decisive, as one positive player could affect the outcome and put the completion of Serie A 2019-20 in danger under the current measures.