Serbia president: ‘Mihajlovic a role model for generations’

Aleksandar Vucic, the president of Serbia, paid tribute to former Bologna coach Sinisa Mihajlovic, who tragically passed away at the age of 53.

The former defender died at a clinic in Rome on Friday following a long battle with leukaemia, being initially diagnosed back in July 2019. After revealing his illness, Bologna confirmed their decision to stand by Mihajlovic and he led the team for three years before his dismissal in September of this year.

Releasing a statement on Instagram, Vucic paid tribute to Mihajlovic and discussed his impact on Serbian and European football.

“I am extremely touched by the news of the death of Sinisa Mihajlovic, a legend of our and European football and a patriot who loved Serbia with all his might.

“The way he understood and played football, in which he spent his entire life as a player and coach, will be remembered for his unique talent and character.

“Miha’s mark in sports was coloured by the passion he left on the pitch as well as the sincere emotion he never hid when he won or lost.

“He took Red Star to the top of the world, marking the part of the most brilliant history of this team and of Serbian football, feats long since entered the annals of footballing history.

“Few words could describe his masterful prowess on the field, and we all remember him. He always dedicated love to his team, family and country, proudly and honestly. He faced the terrible disease fighting and head-on, with an unbreakable spirit, like the one he had on the field.

“He was a top athlete respected by teammates and opponents alike, and Miha’s style of play will remain an enduring inspiration and role model for generations of young football players. I express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and admirers of Sinisa Mihajlovic. Rest in peace.”

During his 14-year playing career in Serie A, Mihajlovic became known as one of the best free kick takers in the world, regularly finding the back of the net from set-piece situations. The Serb was also a passionate and formidable defender, playing with his heart of his sleeve.

After hanging up his boots, Mihajlovic became a coach and spent time in charge of Bologna, Catania, Sampdoria and Milan, achieving a number of impressive finishes in Serie A.