‘Ivan the Terrible,' leader of the Serb hooligans who stopped the Euro 2012 game in Genoa going ahead, has been jailed for three years.

Ivan Bogdanov, who earned the nickname Ivan the Terrible, was the figurehead at Marassi during the match that was called off on October 12.

Serb hooligans were determined to stop the game going ahead and invaded the team bus before kick-off, then threw fireworks and broke down barriers in the Stadio Luigi Ferraris.

‘Ivan the Terrible,' leader of the Serb hooligans who stopped the Euro 2012 game in Genoa going ahead, has been jailed for three years.

Ivan Bogdanov, who earned the nickname Ivan the Terrible, was the figurehead at Marassi during the match that was called off on October 12.

Serb hooligans were determined to stop the game going ahead and invaded the team bus before kick-off, then threw fireworks and broke down barriers in the Stadio Luigi Ferraris.

Italy were given a 3-0 victory by UEFA, but now the justice system has also caught up with the hooligans themselves.

The tribunal in Genoa today passed a sentence of three years and three months for Bogdanov, plus Nikola Klickovis got three years, Daniel Ianic two years and eight months, while Srdan Iovetic's sentence was two years and six months.

However, due to the notoriously complex Italian justice system, it is unclear how much real jail time they will have.

Bogdanov was the man who was famously filmed slicing through protective nets in the stadium and egging on the other supporters.

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