Sentence for Milan-owned Niang

Milan-owned striker M’Baye Niang was given an 18-month suspended sentence and his licence revoked after abandoning a car accident.

The 19-year-old striker left San Siro in January for a loan spell at Montpellier, but on February 2 was involved in a crash.

Milan-owned striker M’Baye Niang was given an 18-month suspended sentence and his licence revoked after abandoning a car accident.

The 19-year-old striker left San Siro in January for a loan spell at Montpellier, but on February 2 was involved in a crash.

He was leaving a restaurant and heading towards the training camp on the afternoon of February 2 in a borrowed Ferrari when broke several laws.

Niang’s licence had already been suspended, then while driving he clipped several cars at high speed and eventually crashed into a tree.

According to the Tribunal’s report, Niang then ran away from the scene and for four days denied he was the driver, allowing his teammate Mohamed Ramadani to take the blame.

When eye-witnesses came forward to confirm they saw Niang at the scene, he finally confessed and handed himself in to police.

He risked up to a five-year sentence, but received an 18-month suspended sentence and had his licence revoked for at least three years.

It is not entirely new behaviour for Niang, who within weeks of arriving at Milan was caught driving without a licence and pretended to police that he was teammate Bakaye Traore.