Seedorf met with Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi met with Milan Coach Clarence Seedorf earlier this week, to ‘convey his confidence’ in the Dutchman.

Silvio Berlusconi met with Milan Coach Clarence Seedorf earlier this week, to ‘convey his confidence’ in the Dutchman.

Tuttosport are today running the line that the 37-year-old had dinner with the Rossonero President on Tuesday evening, whilst say that Vice-President Adriano Galliani was also present at the meeting held at Berlusconi’s villa in Arcore.

On from denied rumours of Berlusconi’s discontent with Seedorf’s tactical decisions, it is alleged that this meeting was used by the President to convey his support in the Coach’s work ahead of facing Atletico Madrid.

Milan go into the Champions League Last 16 clash with the Spanish with only four players to fill the front four positions in Seedorf’s 4-2-3-1, with Robinho joining Stephan El Shaarawy and Valter Birsa on the sidelines, and Keisuke Honda and Riccardo Saponara ineligible.

Even so, the suggested solution of Mario Balotelli playing behind striker Giampaolo Pazzini is seen to be one favoured by Berlusconi, and speculated as possibly a point of discussion also this week.