Scaroni: ‘Too soon for definitive opinions on Super League’ 

Milan chairman Paolo Scaroni believes it is currently ‘too early’ to give definitive opinions on the proposed European Super League, but has suggested that there are problems with the current systems in place. 

The Rossoneri executive spoke to Tg1 on Thursday evening. Rather than divulging on the topic of the Super League, Scaroni instead highlighted the difficulties that Serie A teams will face if the League is to get rid of the Growth Decree. 

The Growth Decree is a law that has allowed Italian companies, including football clubs, to attract workers who have spent at least two years abroad. 

Thanks to this decree, clubs have been able to cut by 50% gross costs of players and coaches coming from outside the Peninsula.

Scrapping the Growth Decree for Italian football clubs is one of the ‘faults’ troubling the current system according to Scaroni, who did not express his support for the Super League, but didn’t outright reject it either. 

“We have begun a process to discuss with all the relevant bodies, starting from the Lega Serie A. But, it’s too early to give definitive opinions,” he said, reported via Sport MediaSet. 

“There are faults in our system, we never have any benefits. We could benefit from foreign talents with the help of tax incentives, but that has been removed. I hope that those responsible will remedy this because it will be a tough blow for Serie A.”