Gasperini appears to aim dig at Inter: ‘Make one billion debts’

At a post-match press conference, a sarcastic Gian Piero Gasperini explained how to fill the gap between Atalanta and the top of the table: ‘One way is to make one billion debts.’

The Atalanta boss faced the media after a 3-2 loss against Fiorentina at the Gewiss Stadium on Sunday.

It was a painless loss as La Dea had already qualified for the Champions League, although it prevented them from finishing third.

Sarcastic Gasperini explains ‘three ways’ to fill the gap with top Serie A clubs

A reporter asked Gasperini how La Dea could fill the gap from the top of the Serie A table, and the 66-year-old replied sarcastically.

“One way is to make one billion debts with incredible contacts or don’t sell the best players and buy them,” he said.

“The third way is to look at who you are with ambition and have the clarity to understand how the world goes. Otherwise, it’s just words that fill the mouth.”

Gasperini had previously held a post-match interview with DAZN about Giorgio Scalvini’s injury and the first competitive game of next season, a UEFA Supercup Final against Carlo Ancelotti’s Real Madrid.