Davide Santon has made it clear that “I see my future at Inter” as the injured full-back hopes to be back playing next month.

Santon was close to leaving Inter a second time in the summer but ultimately stayed and was reinstated by former boss Frank de Boer, although a hamstring injury has ruled him out of the Nerazzurri’s final two games of 2016.

“The win against Genoa gave us enthusiasm,” he said at a promotional event, reports Calciomercato.

Davide Santon has made it clear that “I see my future at Inter” as the injured full-back hopes to be back playing next month.

Santon was close to leaving Inter a second time in the summer but ultimately stayed and was reinstated by former boss Frank de Boer, although a hamstring injury has ruled him out of the Nerazzurri’s final two games of 2016.

“The win against Genoa gave us enthusiasm,” he said at a promotional event, reports Calciomercato.

“We want to do well on Sunday because we can get our third win in a row, which would be an important step.

Sassuolo are strong, we shouldn’t underestimate them, but we go to Reggio Emilia to win.

“We hope to end the year in the best way possible in these last two games.

“I think our problem has always been our approach to games, something that was also seen in Naples through the two goals we conceded in just a few minutes.

“The Coach advised us not to make these mistakes, telling to stay focused for the whole game.

“My future? I see it at Inter. I’ve always wanted to stay here. I was happy with De Boer because I always played under him, although Pioli is also a Coach that I like.

“For my part, returning from injury, I’ve been training with the group for a week and in January we’ll see.”

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