Sannino all set for Chievo

Giuseppe Sannino has reportedly decided to leave Palermo in exchange for a two-year contract with Chievo Verona.

Sannino was the favourite to replace Eugenio Corini and have this afternoon insisted a deal has been done.

Giuseppe Sannino has reportedly decided to leave Palermo in exchange for a two-year contract with Chievo Verona.

Sannino was the favourite to replace Eugenio Corini and have this afternoon insisted a deal has been done.

The tactician, 56, has agreed to forfeit €800,000 – the amount he was due for the last remaining year on his Rosanero deal.

Sannino joined Palermo last summer, but was sacked after Week 3 only to be recalled later in the campaign.

The Coach, formerly of sides such as Varese, Cosenza, Lecco, Pergocrema and Siena, has opted to leave following the Stadio Barbera outfit’s relegation.

Sannino will be replaced at Palermo by former Milan midfielder Gennaro Gattuso.