Walter Samuel is relishing the return to Inter as part of new Coach Stefano Pioli’s staff. “I am very happy with this opportunity.”

The 38-year-old Argentine defender has now retired and is starting a new phase of his career at San Siro, where he won the Treble.

“I am very happy with this opportunity and will try with my work to help the staff and team to win the upcoming games,” The Wall told Inter Channel.

The debut for Pioli and Samuel will be this Sunday evening in the Derby della Madonnina with Milan.

Walter Samuel is relishing the return to Inter as part of new Coach Stefano Pioli’s staff. “I am very happy with this opportunity.”

The 38-year-old Argentine defender has now retired and is starting a new phase of his career at San Siro, where he won the Treble.

“I am very happy with this opportunity and will try with my work to help the staff and team to win the upcoming games,” The Wall told Inter Channel.

The debut for Pioli and Samuel will be this Sunday evening in the Derby della Madonnina with Milan.

“I scored in a derby, but that’s in the past now and I look forward. I hope the lads are able to win. We must think of what is best for them, so they can achieve great things in this game and those in future.

“I don’t know what I can bring to the staff, but they will help me to learn too. I am really determined and had two fantastic years in Switzerland with Basel.”

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