Sampdoria ticket donation for ALS

Sampdoria” data-scaytid=”1″>Sampdoria will donate half the revenue from next week’s game with Torino to research into ALS.

The Ice Bucket Challenge has dominated the summer in sport with many videos going viral.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero today announced his version of the challenge, which includes a special donation for research.

Sampdoria will donate half the revenue from next week’s game with Torino to research into ALS.

The Ice Bucket Challenge has dominated the summer in sport with many videos going viral.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero today announced his version of the challenge, which includes a special donation for research.

Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic is also raising funds within the Blucerchiati locker room with all the players and staff contributing.

“I invite all the other Italian Presidents to follow Samp’s example and that of its extraordinary, generous fans,” said Ferrero.

“We will give a concrete contribution, as a club and as a team, along with the Foundation represented by one of the symbols of our history, the great Gianluca Vialli.

“I expect many people at the stadium for the game with Torino, all dressed in club colours to win together on the field and against ALS.”

He will send half the gate from next week’s Serie A home match against Torino to research into ALS.

It is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.

ALS affects professional athletes with far more frequency than the rest of the population, but scientists do not know why.