Inter’s deal for Udinese midfielder Lazar Samardzic risks collapsing due to the lack of agreement on personal terms, but this is not the first time that the player’s entourage has made life difficult in transfer negotiations. 

According to numerous reports, Samardzic’s father has been making life difficult for the Nerazzurri and has been pushing for a higher salary for his son and a larger commission fee for his representatives. 

The 21-year-old had completed his medical with the Nerazzurri, but the contract was never signed and only on Sunday did the player start making his way back to Udine. 

However, has pointed out that Samardzic’s father has history of being the bearer of bad news in negotiations between clubs. 

In the summer of 2021, before Samardzic had signed with Udinese, newly-promoted Venezia had been in discussions with RB Leipzig over a potential transfer. 

Venezia had been in negotiations for several weeks and were growing increasingly confident that a deal would eventually be struck. 

However, it was not until representatives from Venezia flew out to Germany to meet the family that they were informed by Samardzic’s father that he had already agreed to sign for another team. 

Instead, he would go on to join Udinese, although Venezia were left bemused as to how exactly they were beaten to a player they felt was already in their grasp.

3 thought on “Samardzic and his father have history in transfer negotiations ”
  1. Forget about inter..they are weaklings in transfer and will always use media propaganda to blame the players, lukako and now samardzic..they will have themselves to blame because they are considerably weaker than last season and double weaker than 2020 team

  2. charles is clearly talking nonsense. Inter have signed several players this summer, why none have demanded more money after their mdeicals? why didn’t Sommer or Frattesi or Cuadrado or Carlos Augusto or Thuram act like Samardzic?

  3. Although, I rarely comment here, today, I’m making an exception because of the highly-ignorant comment of @Charles Mark-Onyegbu.

    I’m sure Charles is not educated enough to know that transfers, not limited to football, are negotiated and agreed verbally before they are consummated officially in writing.

    Considering this is NOT the first transfer drama from the staple of the Samardzics, what Samardzic Sr. has done here, like every greedy agent out there, is create a terrible reputation for himself and his client that every principled football club will distant themselves from.

    About Inter being weaker than last year or the 2020 squad, the same things were said and written about Napoli last year, but the whole world saw how they consigned the bookmakers’ predictions into the trash bin, and bulldozed their way to the title from Week 5. The year before last, Milan was considered very, very inferior to Inter, yet the won the title on the last day.

    Football is NOT arithmetic, a myriad of factors contribute to winning a league title. And Inter, like the rest of the big teams, have as much chance of winning the title as anyone, if they can take their own destiny in their own hands.

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