Salihamidzic joins Wolfsburg

Hasan Salihamdizic has left Juventus” data-scaytid=”4″>Juventus after signing a one-year contract with German club Wolfsburg.

The 34-year-old leaves Turin on a free transfer after his agreement came to an end with the Old Lady.

Hasan Salihamdizic has left Juventus after signing a one-year contract with German club Wolfsburg.

The 34-year-old leaves Turin on a free transfer after his agreement came to an end with the Old Lady.

"I'm sure he'll do well with his maturity and experience for our team," Wolfsburg boss Felix Magath said.

"Hasan is a player who has played in his career in various positions at the highest level. So it is a transfer that makes us flexible for the upcoming season."

The Bosnian midfielder joined Juve on a free transfer in 2007 after almost a decade in Germany with Bayern Munich.

He also has Bundesliga experience with Hamburg.

Salihamidzic played in 73 games in all competitions for La Signora, scoring eight goals in the process.