Salernitana president Danilo Iervolino gave an explosive press conference today, stating that ‘many players want to leave’ the club after their disastrous start to the season.  

The Granata have started the season in miserable fashion, winning just one of their first 15 outings of the term. They currently sit rock bottom of the league table, three points behind fellow strugglers Hellas Verona and four behind Empoli.

Salernitana started the season with coach Paulo Sousa and replaced him with Filippo Inzaghi in early October, but results have failed to improve, with their last two outings being back-to-back defeats to Fiorentina and Bologna.

Speaking in a press conference via TMW, Iervolino first apologised to the Salernitana fans for their poor start to the season.

“I’ll say right away that I’m very sorry that the fans and I are experiencing a moment of discomfort. We are last in the table, and this is not a team built to be there.

“We have many internationals, promising young players and I have spent a lot of money in less than two years trying to be as present as possible compatibly with other commitments.

“I have always had the fate of the players at heart, at least three times a day I am on the phone with the various managers to find out what is happening and what is being done from a work point of view. I have I care for their families, I find out about their health and that of their children.

“Last year we had an important season, we are participating in Serie A for the third time in a row and we don’t deserve a team that doesn’t want to sweat or that has lazy legs.

“I assume my responsibilities, it’s right that the president should show his face because the choices of managers and players are up to me. But I bought top-level players. 10 in national teams, players from Nice, Juve, Nice or Atalanta.

“I didn’t buy them from Lega Pro. We formed the mix between young players and experts, trying to strengthen ourselves in all departments. Last year we finished with 42 points, effectively replacing two players with others who I consider equally strong.”

The Salernitana president then expressed his anger at the current state of things.

“It doesn’t seem to me that the signing campaign could’ve generated the loss of value, it’s those who remained who were so disappointing. Problems lurk in a torn environment, unfortunately we are unable to create the right harmony and there are factions.

“Many players want to leave, they don’t like Salernitana. They are here but would like to be elsewhere. We have very high salaries, expensive players and they have disregarded all their commitments.

“It is with them that we must work, they are the ones who must take responsibility. If they don’t have joy, they should know that this risks being the grave of many players. I will have a very hard fist with many of them.

“In January I will sell all those who don’t want to stay, from now on we will only keep people who have a mad desire to stay in Salerno, to love these colours and this city and to always make themselves available.

“Here there are those who are replaced and complain, a free-for-all made up of excuses, and this is a big problem.”

Iervolino commented on the recent fan protest after the loss to Bologna.

“I didn’t feel like I disrespected anyone, that wasn’t my intention. I’ve always said that I’m madly in love with the city, with the public, with their way of supporting us and I apologize when things go wrong.

“However, I didn’t expect the banners, lack of gratitude, threatening banners, a part of the fans who don’t represent everyone ask me for a meeting and to show face and humility.

“In my opinion there is a hallucination and widespread confusion. No president has shown more love. I’ve been tiptoeing here without raising my voice or asking for anything in return. I have never had second thoughts, I have no ulterior interests in Salerno nor do I have to protect anything. I just gave, I have nothing to blame myself for.

“I don’t understand these messages and I don’t deserve to be addressed with insults that I consider threatening. ‘Be careful, if you don’t do what we tell you we will react when we tell you’, this is the message.

“I do not accept compromises or violence, I will never be bent or condescending towards ways of doing things that I repudiate. If they thought they were provoking something in their favour, they made a big mistake. We need the fans, we all have to row on the same side.”

He also hit out at the Italian press.

“I’m talking about journalists now. Every day I see false news that distracts and disorients. I read that I spoke to a sports director, that I’m negotiating with a player. I can’t deny the news every day.

“In such a difficult moment, when suddenly some of the fans don’t like me and I come to terms with that, there must be a major act of responsibility on the part of the press.

“Things need to be verified, but instead I read distortions of truth that leave me dismayed and with my mouth open.”

The Salernitana president discussed his meeting with Inzaghi on Wednesday.

“The coach wanted to talk to me, frankly and without other people. There is no conspiracy, there was only the coach’s desire to talk to the president. Sipping a coffee, reflecting on the systems and why some players were not performing, I also wanted to understand some choices.

“He wanted to share the attitude to have with the group. I told him to work by letting those who want to take to the pitch, those who have heart, those who care about their shirt and want to sweat in it.

“Without thinking about the names, the hierarchies, to the assets he is managing. He is free, he has a carte blanche, he must be totally authoritative.”

He was asked about his plans for the January transfer window.

“I want to answer all the questions frankly. It depends on many things. Let’s see how many points we will have, who will want to come to Salerno. We can’t have a clear vision, we don’t know who will leave and how they will do it. We’ll see.

“It’s clear that the team, especially between midfield and defence, is making repeated negative records. It’s certain that we’re thinking about it, we’ve identified some players in terms of characteristics.

“We’ll gradually try to finalize some negotiations in a difficult market like the one in January.”

Iervolino confirmed that he had spoken with the squad this term.

“I did it three times. Explaining what the sense of belonging means. The last time I said one thing: each team has their own DNA, Barcelona for example are recognized for tiki taka and for the beautiful game.

“In Salerno you sweat in your shirt, it’s a place where the concept of the tiger’s den applies. In the first 15 minutes opponents are usually holding their breath at the Arechi. In our stadium you can even lose, it’s the way that makes the difference and which goes beyond the result.

“Unfortunately, we have many foreigners who haven’t even learned the language and don’t want to. Some didn’t look me in the eye and I scolded them. A kind, welcoming president who guarantees tenth place for the salaries he has to make? If I’m harsh they scold me, if I’m kind the same thing.

“They were all witnesses. Others, however, sent me messages of affection and thanked me. And the agents are also to blame. If they play a good game, they knock on the door, and then?

“Today very few people give us a hand, I invite the agents to collaborate remembering that these guys are super athletes. We have excellent players who don’t go well together. It’s inexplicable. The change doesn’t depend on me, otherwise I would send away a dozen of them immediately.

“We must be together now, because nothing is lost. I offer everyone the possibility of recovery, if the players want to go back to work, they know that they will have my support. I want them to love Salernitana, listless and distracted people will no longer be tolerated.”

Finally, Iervolino was asked about any errors he’s made at Salernitana.

“I would not create enthusiasm that could lead to hallucinations as has happened now. Unfortunately, in football it is more prudent to be cautious, very cautious. Otherwise, this would happen.

“In Salerno I had excellent coaches and excellent sporting directors, I would make the choices I made again. I feel with all the people I have worked with, I have no grudges. It is clear that the project sees me less charged and less motivated.

“I will always have the same love and respect, but I am dejected. I am human and, like all sensitive people, I’m not living it well. The results aren’t coming, a part of the fanbase has decided to end a beautiful relationship and many things don’t work.

“I have broad shoulders, I’ve suffered a lot and I’m a man who lost a mother, father and brother quickly. Real suffering is very different. I never expected to experience this situation with the fans nor this spot in the table.

“But I roll up my sleeves, this is the story of my life. Belly on the ground and working. It’s the only thing to do to get to the third historic salvation from the relegation zone.”

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