Sacchi: ‘Not easy for Brocchi’

Arrigo Sacchi says “it’s not an easy situation” for Cristian Brocchi at Milan, but he “has the confidence of the President”.

The former midfielder was Primavera Coach for the Rossoneri, but has been given the job with the first-team after Sinisa Mihajlovic was sacked.

“This is not an easy situation for Brocchi,” Sacchi warned in an interview with Mediaset.

Arrigo Sacchi says “it’s not an easy situation” for Cristian Brocchi at Milan, but he “has the confidence of the President”.

The former midfielder was Primavera Coach for the Rossoneri, but has been given the job with the first-team after Sinisa Mihajlovic was sacked.

“This is not an easy situation for Brocchi,” Sacchi warned in an interview with Mediaset.

“We hope it’ll all go well though. [President Silvio] Berlusconi was not satisfied with Mihajlovic’s work and has made this decision, which is courageous. He complained about the quality of the play.

“Mihajlovic had an excellent relationship with his players, so it won’t be easy to get into their heads.

“Berlusconi has had Brocchi in mind since last year, but [joint-CEO Adriano] Galliani has tried to hold off a little.

“If Brocchi manages to handle this situation well, he has the advantage of having the confidence of the President.”