Milan and Italy legend Arrigo Sacchi has clarified comments he made suggesting clubs in debt were essentially ‘cheating,’ insisting he was ‘not referring to Inter.’

The retired coach was presenting his new book at an event at the Hotel Federico in Jesi when he made the statement that many assumed were about the current Serie A leaders, who are marching towards their 20th Scudetto.

“The trend in Italy is becoming that of wanting to get to the goal by being clever, it’s not right,” Sacchi was quoted as saying.

“We need to get out of this situation, otherwise we’ll always remain in this state of crisis. Winning by incurring debts means cheating. Are Inter cheating? Yes.”

This inevitably stirred up controversy and Inter did not respond, but Sacchi has now released a statement trying to clarify the situation.

“I was telling an anecdote about a discussing I had with President Silvio Berlusconi regarding the signing of ‘important’ players, underlining that investing in big names would’ve put us into debt and winning with debt for him would’ve been like cheating.

“It was a general affirmation and was certainly not referring to Inter, who I am not interested in. They are having a good season.

“In fact, I praised Simone Inzaghi’s work as a coach, moving from tactician to strategist, evolving in his approach.”

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