Walter Sabatini insists there’s “nothing to say” about Roma unrest, and says Francesco Totti “plays with the joy of a child”.

There have been reports of unrest at Trigoria after the defeat to Torino, not least because of Totti’s wife, Ilary’s comments about Coach Luciano Spalletti.

However, speaking to SportMediaset about the captain’s birthday, the sporting director insisted there are no issues.

Walter Sabatini insists there’s “nothing to say” about Roma unrest, and says Francesco Totti “plays with the joy of a child”.

There have been reports of unrest at Trigoria after the defeat to Torino, not least because of Totti’s wife, Ilary’s comments about Coach Luciano Spalletti.

However, speaking to SportMediaset about the captain’s birthday, the sporting director insisted there are no issues.

“Nothing happened,” Sabatini shrugged.

“That’s something that Francesco made clear himself. There’s nothing to say.

“Could Totti play beyond this season? If he can continue to shine as he’s done up to now, and can still have the joy of playing, he can be a footballer for some time.

“He plays with the joy of a child, that’s his strength.”


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