Sabatini knows Mihjalovic ‘will win again’ after leukaemia return

Walter Sabatini sent a message of support to his friend Sinisa Mihajlovic following the Bologna coach’s announcement that his leukaemia has returned.

Sabatini, who is currently the sporting director of Salernitana, worked closely with the 53-year-old Serbian coach for two years at Bologna from 2019 to 2021, where they became close friends. He was one of many who was heartbroken following Mihajlovic’s announcement at a press conference yesterday.

Speaking to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Sabatini expressed his support for Mihajlovic and noted that the Serbian coach will win again.

“I told Sinisa to put his helmet back on, and that he will win on this occasion too. It was a very strong blow, and so is this the news.

“But he will make it, and it will be up to the team on the pitch to give him satisfaction while he is in hospital. Sinisa will win this time too, because he is a man of struggle and of the pitch, and by now he knows this battle.

“I have no doubt that they will all fight together, on the same side, more than before.”

The 53-year-old Mihajlovic will undergo a new round of treatment at hospital now, meaning that he’ll miss a number of Bologna’s upcoming matches.

The Serbian coach was diagnosed with leukaemia in July 2019 and he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant in order to recover. It will be a difficult year for the Bologna coach, who has the support of everyone in the Italian footballing world.