Sabatini: ‘Couldn’t work at Inter’

Walter Sabatini laments “it wasn’t possible” to work at Inter, and left because “the Chinese no longer listened to me”.

The Sampdoria technical director was brought in to co-ordinate between the Nerazzurri and Jiangsu Suning, but he stepped down earlier this year.

Today he gave a lengthy interview to the Corriere dello Sport, who asked what he’ll remember from his time with the Beneamata.

“The fans,” Sabatini replied.

Walter Sabatini laments “it wasn’t possible” to work at Inter, and left because “the Chinese no longer listened to me”.

The Sampdoria technical director was brought in to co-ordinate between the Nerazzurri and Jiangsu Suning, but he stepped down earlier this year.

Today he gave a lengthy interview to the Corriere dello Sport, who asked what he’ll remember from his time with the Beneamata.

“The fans,” Sabatini replied.

“They’re extraordinary, 70,000 turned up to a game against Spal at 12.30. And next year there’ll be even more.

“What went wrong? It was just the wrong choice. I came in with an assumption which immediately failed.

“I was thinking about building an international network but it just wasn’t possible. Government policy on football has changed, there are too many restrictions.

“The Chinese no longer listened to me.”

Now Sabatini will be working for Massimo Ferrero…

“Ferrero wears a mask, he’s an incredible showman. He makes you look down on him, setting himself up as a jester, but he knows exactly what he wants.

“We have a magnificent symmetry, each respecting his role. He pretends to have supernatural respect for me – which of course isn’t true – and I pretend to believe it.

“He knows that taking me to Samp was coup. For now it’s all good between us, we’ll see what happens when the first defeats arrive!

“And anyway, I know that all my professional relationships end.”