Villarreal's Giuseppe Rossi would be interested in a move to Champions League qualifiers Napoli, claims his agent.

Despite again being linked with Juventus” data-scaytid=”1″>Juventus today after an alleged meeting on Tuesday, Federico Pastorello is refusing to rule out the San Paolo option.

Villarreal's Giuseppe Rossi would be interested in a move to Champions League qualifiers Napoli, claims his agent.

Despite again being linked with Juventus today after an alleged meeting on Tuesday, Federico Pastorello is refusing to rule out the San Paolo option.

"Napoli would be a dream, a destination that Pepito would certainly accept," Pastorello is quoted as saying.

"I already spoke to Napoli a while ago…"

However, the representative did seem to suggest that the Azzurri would have to dig deep into their pockets to make the move happen.

"His wages would be a big problem in relation to any possible bid," Pastorello added. "They would be higher than the current salary cap at Napoli."

The Italian international's future is unclear after Barcelona opted to make Alexis Sanchez of Udinese” data-scaytid=”8″>Udinese their top target for the summer.

Juventus could turn to Rossi if they fail to do a deal with Atletico Madrid for Argentina international Sergio Aguero.

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