Delio Rossi is keen for Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”2″>Fiorentina to abandon talking about why they are in trouble and instead work on getting them out of it.

Delio Rossi is keen for Fiorentina to abandon talking about why they are in trouble and instead work on getting them out of it.

La Viola currently lie in 14th position in the table, four points above the relegation zone. This weekend, which is Fiorentina's last home game for a month, sees them face Atalanta” data-scaytid=”4″>Atalanta, a side they are level on points with in the table.

Three of the six teams currently below the Florence side are on better or equal runs of League form.

In his pre-match Press conference, an otherwise relaxed Rossi took the opportunity to appeal to fans and the players to recognise that Fiorentina are in danger of their situation worsening if they do not adapt to how it currently is.

“There is a lack of continuity and self-esteem,” declared the former Lazio and Palermo man, before hinting at how the team’s form is too inconsistent to build from.

“With three points we work in one way, without three points we work in another. The League table is constantly changing.

“But only we can improve our position, we are the creators of our own destiny. We have to adapt to our standing [in the table] and behave accordingly.

“At the moment the ranking is clear, we are provincial. But being provincial may not be wrong if it means fighting for every ball.

“Fiorentina must honour the shirt at home and away. At the moment there are inconsistencies in our performances.

“There are players that if they are physically fit know what to do on the field. There are others, however, who need the carrot and stick.”


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