Rossi: ‘Bring on Juventus’

Delio Rossi wants Palermo to get back on track by beating Juventus tomorrow, but also responds to President Maurizio Zamparini's criticism.

“We must interpret this game the same way we did with Inter,” he said of that 3-2 defeat after leading 2-0 at half-time on Sunday.

“It can happen to struggle against the world and European champions, but we also had the strength to hurt them and that is what matters. I expect another strong performance from my men.

Delio Rossi wants Palermo to get back on track by beating Juventus tomorrow, but also responds to President Maurizio Zamparini's criticism.

“We must interpret this game the same way we did with Inter,” he said of that 3-2 defeat after leading 2-0 at half-time on Sunday.

“It can happen to struggle against the world and European champions, but we also had the strength to hurt them and that is what matters. I expect another strong performance from my men.

“The great thing about football is it gives you the chance to get straight back out there and make up for previous errors, even if it's not easy to start again after a defeat like Sunday's.

“We will encounter a wounded Juventus side, so we're both trying to turn the rage of the last few days into positive energy.”

President Zamparini was extremely critical of his Coach, who he accused of “falling asleep,” “making bad substitutions” and “on a par with Zdenek Zeman” in terms of defending.

“All too often the President's comments speak for themselves,” shrugged Rossi.

“As for the Zeman comparison, I'll try to take that as a compliment. Anyone can set up a team to defend well, but being effective in attack isn't so easy. I'll just do what I always do: take note and carry on with my work.”