‘Roma win deserved full Olimpico’

Radja Nainggolan claims Roma’s 2-0 win against Lazio in the Derby della Capitale on Sunday “deserved the stadium to be full”.

Roma’s ultras continued to boycott the Olimpico over barriers at the weekend, but Lazio’s Curva Nord agreed to return for the game, making the Aquile appear to be the home team, despite the Giallorossi being the designated hosts.

Radja Nainggolan claims Roma’s 2-0 win against Lazio in the Derby della Capitale on Sunday “deserved the stadium to be full”.

Roma’s ultras continued to boycott the Olimpico over barriers at the weekend, but Lazio’s Curva Nord agreed to return for the game, making the Aquile appear to be the home team, despite the Giallorossi being the designated hosts.

“Us players work for games like this, but a goal like this and a win like this deserved the stadium to be full,” the midfielder was quoted as saying by Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Everything would have been better with a full curva, but in the meantime we changed our mentality.

“My goal? It was easier than you think, it went well. Immobile and Lulic moved in a certain way and it made things easier for me.

“I just shot, I didn’t see where Marchetti was. He sees the ball late because in front of him was Radu in the opposite position.

“The most important thing is to have scored and secured the victory.

“They had the stadium in their favour and this charged us up even more. Our fans stuck to what they thought, staying away, and this gave us a bigger push.

“The key was that we always went in twos or threes for balls, which we’d been unable to do at times, but in the derby we did it. We changed our mentality.

“Staying at Roma? I could’ve made a different decision, but I chose to stay because I’m happy and I feel respected. The rest is in the background.

Milan next? We have to focus on ourselves, these games must be won if we want to achieve something important.”