Roma ultras accompany team bus to Leicester City game

Roma ultras got the team fired up for their Conference League semi-final with Leicester City by accompanying the bus to the Stadio Olimpico.

The first leg ended 1-1 and the second kicks off at the Stadio Olimpico at 20.00 UK time (19.00 GMT).

You can follow all the build-up and action as it happens on the LIVEBLOG.

Liveblog: Conference League Roma-Leicester

The away goals rule no longer applies in Europe, but VAR will be active today, unlike the rest of the Conference League so far.

The Stadio Olimpico is sold out with circa 70,000 in attendance, including 3,500 Leicester City fans.

Giallorossi supporters got the team fired up even before they reached the arena, lining the streets with flags, banners and smoke bombs to accompany the bus from their Trigoria training ground to the stadium gates.